Project formulation
Identifying pains. Analysis and feasibility studies.

Scientific studies
Desk studies, field research, problem formulation.

Project delivery
Establishment of project and delivery of milestones. Commercial launch.

Our Mission
Our mission is to revolutionize the seafood industry through sustainable and responsible aquaculture practices and efficient logistics solutions. We are dedicated to providing fresh and nutritious seafood products while minimizing our environmental impact and promoting a healthy ocean. Our innovative fish farm and seafood logistics company is committed to fostering a thriving and sustainable ecosystem for both our customers and future generations.
Seafood innovation consultancy
Ecofisk specializes in marine life, fish farm, and seafood innovation consultancy. Our team of experts can help optimize operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. We offer custom solutions based on your specific needs and stay up-to-date with industry advancements. Our fees are competitive and guarantee a positive ROI.